Although the process of getting divorced is no doubt challenging for the adults involved, it can be just as difficult for their children from an emotional standpoint. Fortunately, divorcing parents in Illinois can take steps to mitigate the negative impacts of divorce on their children. Here are a couple of tips for helping children to navigate the emotional ups and downs of divorce.
Stability changes
The instability that divorce breeds can drastically affect children. For instance, the children’s family structure, home and daily routines may become very different during and after divorce. Because a child needs consistency in his or her life to feel as secure as possible, it is critical that divorcing parents reassure their children that they will always be there to support them, listen to them and help them through the life changes they will undergo as a result of the changes in their family.
Emotional changes
One of the biggest challenges that children face during divorce is feeling that they caused their parents’ divorce by doing something wrong. Children might also feel sad, angry and confused. This may cause them to act out at home or at school. For this reason, parents who are going through divorce may want to talk to their children about what they are feeling and emphasize to them that they did not cause the divorce.
Where to turn for help and support
Consulting an Illinois attorney early on in the divorce process is yet another way to help children during these challenging times. One of the main reasons for this is that an experienced attorney can help a divorcing parent to make educated decisions regarding matters that will impact the children in the short and long terms, such as child custody and child support. One’s attorney will ultimately push for an outcome that is personally favorable for his or her client and that, most importantly, considers the best interests of the children.