3 reasons young couples have a high divorce rate

On Behalf of | Jan 16, 2025 | Divorce |

Studies find that younger couples have a significantly higher divorce rate, so waiting a little can be beneficial. Between the ages of 18 and 32, the likelihood of divorce steadily decreases as the age of marriage increases, until, at 32 the divorce rate starts to increase again.

But why does this happen? There are numerous factors to consider, a few of which are noted below.

1. Financial pressure

To begin with, young couples may be excited about getting married, but they often lack the financial resources to support themselves realistically. Perhaps they are still in college, or they may only be working entry-level jobs for minimum wage. This financial stress can put significant strain on a newly married couple. A couple who gets married in their late 20s is likely more financially stable than one who marries in their early 20s. 

2. Personal changes

Additionally, young individuals often go through many personal changes, even after turning 18. They may develop new interests, opinions or personality traits. Brain development continues until around age 25, and as people grow and change, a couple may no longer be compatible.

3. Rushing into it

Finally, many young couples feel that they rushed into marriage. They may not have had much romantic experience or dated many other people before marrying their partner. After a few years of marriage, they may start to feel regret and wish they had waited, ultimately leading to divorce.

Divorce can be complicated at any age. If you are ending your marriage, take the time to carefully consider your legal options when considering custody rights, property division and more.